Palo Santo Smudge Kit
- Smudging with Palo Santo is a powerful way to clear and cleanse stagnant energies within yourself and your surroundings. Regular Smudging helps to keep your vibe high by clearing your headspace and home space
- €15.00
IRL DELIVERY €7.50 OR FREE WITH ORDERS OVER €55 > Smudging Palo Santo, Sage & Incense
The Palo Santo wood comes from the Bursera Graveolens tree from South America. It is also called ‘cleansing wood’ or ‘Holy Wood’. The smoke from slowly smoldering wood is known for its positive and cleansing effects. Literally meaning “wood of the Saints” Palo Santo is just as effective as white sage, but has a much gentler touch. Palo Santo grows from Mexico all the way into South America, is related to copal and frankincense, and is used commonly in rituals and smudging in those areas. It is very good at keeping energy clear and grounded, and has a light, sweet slightly piney scent.
Smudging is using the energy of sacred plants and herbs to drive away negativity, raise the energetic vibration and restore balance. It’s the psychic equivalent of a hot shower, only done using the sacred smoke. It can be done every day, but especially should be done before a ceremony or special event. Palo Santo’s scent makes it great to clear a home to make it easier to sell, when you move into a new home or apartment, or to clear new items like crystals you are bringing into your home.
As with all smudging make sure that you get the smoke to all the nooks and crannies. This can be done by blowing the smoke, or waiving it with your hand or a feather. For a room this might mean making sure the smoke goes under the bed, into the corners or into the closet. For a person this might mean in the armpits, or the neck under the hair. Give a little extra attention to the places the energy feels heavy or areas you carry stress in your body. For instance, if you work at a computer, you may want to give a little extra smoke at your shoulders or wrists where stress collects.
You can add extra power to your smudging with a prayer before lighting the stick. Prayers don’t need to be to deities, if you have an Ancestor practice you could pray to the Ancestors, or you could even pray to the Spirit of Palo Santo itself. You could also use a blessed candle to light the stick in cases where the negativity is very heavy and you need extra strength.
In addition to energy and spiritual work, Palo Santo repels mosquitoes, and is traditionally used to fight the common cold, headaches, and anxiety.